Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Testing the Limits

Audrey has really been testing us lately, I think that is what being 2 1/2 is all about. One minute she can can make me so incredibly frustrated and the next she is the cutest thing in the world. The real problem right now is listening. For example, tonight we told her numerous times to throw away her wrapper from her snack and she kept saying, no, no, no and then finally was on her way to throw it away and just busts into a verse of "Where is Thumpkin." How can you not laugh at that and think she is so incredibly cute. Anything we say no to, she just gets a huge smile and thinks it's hilarious. I am so ready for this to pass.

We were wondering if their are any takers, we'll drop Audrey off and pick her up in a couple days:)


Unknown said...

Audrey is welcome here anytime!

Julie said...

i volunteer also