Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hockey, Biking, and more!

We had a great weekend full of fun! Friday night we enjoyed supper with my parents and then Saturday morning we decorated cookies with Heidi and Lucy. The girls had tons of fun together.

Saturday my boss had given me his tickets to the Mavericks Hockey game, so we decided to take Audrey and see what she thought of it. Brent and I had no idea what she would think of it, it's incredibly loud, but tons of things to check out to keep her entertained. It was great, Audrey did really well and really liked all the action. When they were introducting the players it gets dark and Audrey just reached over to hold hands with me, she was such a trooper. It was really cute. She really liked the cheerleaders when they would cheer on the steps near us and really seemed to like the student section right next to us, atleast she couldn't quite understand what they were saying, usually it's not for small ears. We made it through the first two periods, which was way past Audrey's bed time. It was a great night out!

Today it was such nice weather so finally we spent some time outside. Audrey isn't usually too excited about playing in the snow. She had a blast today and really liked cruising her bike down the driveway, it looks incredibly dangerous, but you should see the smile on her face.


Heidi said...

Oh my! I love the bike down the driveway!!!! We had a blast with you guys this weekend even though last night ended abruptly. Ha!

Mindy said...

yay! Glad she wanted to play outside! That looks FUN!