Friday, February 20, 2009

Home Alone

Good evening everyone,

It's me, Brent, and I have taken over the blog duties for the week. Audrey and I have been on our own now for about 1 hour. So far all is well. I gave Audrey a bottle and she fell asleep and I put her to bed.
I will try and keep everyone posted on Audrey and me throughout the week. It should be interesting. I haven't been apart from Shanna for more than a weekend since we met.
Shanna, if you have a chance to check out the blog we want you to have a blast on your cruise and take care of yourself. Don't you worry about us.


Mindy said...

What a nice husband you are. And super dad! I don't think Jon would take on Natalie for a week by himself!

I'll be watching for your posts this week. Hope you have some great father-daughter bonding time!

Christine and Curt said...

Brent, sounds like you and Audrey are going to have a blast together. Hope Shanna's trip is super fun too.