Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Over half way

We have officially made it past the half way point. Whooo hooo. Last night Audrey hung out with G&G Sonnek. Grandma gave her a bath in the kitchen sink and from the look of the pictures that she took Audrey loved it. I had bowling league and had one of my better nights. The score for my 3 games were 158, 195, and 182. Golden Heart called me at work around noon today and told me that Audrey had a fever and needed to leave. Fortunatly Grandma Wood was able to take her for the afternoon so that I could get back to work. Audrey and I had supper at G&G Wood's and then I went to work out. I took her temp before putting her to bed and it was still 102.2. I will check it again in the morning and if it is still high I think I will need to take her in. Not much planned for tomorrow night. It is Survivor night so Audrey and I will be watching that for sure (Don't worry Shanna, I have it set to record already).

Shanna has emailed me the last couple of days. She is having a good time, and has a pretty good sunburn. She misses Audrey and Me (who wouldn't). We miss her too.

Good night


Mindy said...

Bummer about the fever. I hope it's gone this morning. Thank goodness for grandparents so close by!

kborn said...

Sounds like she's teething to me! But hope the fever is down.

Wish G&G were close by to help out like're blessed that way!!

Heidi said...

I hope Audrey is feeling okay...Lucy has an ear infection, yuck! We'll have to get them together when everyone is feeling better!